Client Engagement Center

Discover First Stop Health’s Client Engagement Center—your go-to hub for flyers, posters, videos, and more to support your communication efforts.

Use the filters to view content relevant to your organization's product(s). Don't know what you have? Contact your customer success representative!

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Urgent Care Overview

Get a complete overview of your virtual urgent care benefit.

Urgent Care Summary (Spanish)

Get 24/7 care when you need it most.

Urgent Care Summary

Get 24/7 care when you need it most.

Urgent Care Poster

Encourage your team to get 24/7 care when they need it.

Urgent Care Poster (Spanish)

Encourage your Spanish-speaking team members to get 24/7 care when they need it.

Urgent Care FAQ

Find answers to questions about how to prepare for a visit and more.

Primary Care Overview

Get a complete overview of your virtual primary care benefit.

Primary Care Summary

Discover how to get started with virtual primary care.

Primary Care Summary (Spanish)

Discover how to get started with virtual primary care.

Primary Care Poster

Promote virtual primary care to team members at your worksite.

Primary Care Poster (Spanish)

Promote virtual primary care to Spanish-speaking team members at your worksite.

Primary Care FAQ

Find answers to questions about visits, labs, prescriptions, and more!

Need a Specialist? First Stop Health can Help!

Discover how referrals work with virtual primary care.

How to Use Virtual Primary Care

Here’s how to schedule a primary care visit to check in on your health.

Short-Term Counseling Overview

Get a complete overview of your virtual counseling benefit.

Short-Term Counseling Summary

Support your mental health with short-term counseling.

Short-Term Counseling Summary (Spanish)

Support your mental health with short-term counseling.

Short-Term Counseling Poster

Promote short-term counseling to your team members at your worksite.

Short-Term Counseling Poster (Spanish)

Promote short-term counseling to Spanish-speaking team members at your worksite.

Short-Term Counseling FAQ

Find answers to questions about how counseling works, preparing for a visit, and more.

Health Coaching Summary

Learn how to get convenient care from health coaches.

Health Coaching Poster

Spread the word at your worksite about health coaching.

Health Coaching FAQ

Find answers to questions about health coaches, dietitians, and diabetes educators.

Mental Health Care Overview

Get a complete overview of your virtual mental health care benefit.

Mental Health Care Summary

Convenient care for your mental health and wellbeing.

Mental Health Care Poster

Promote mental healthcare at your worksite.

Mental Health Care FAQ

Find answers to questions about visits, providers, and more.

First Stop Health in Spanish

From requesting a visit in Spanish to getting the care you need, you will love First Stop Health en Español!

Accessing Your Virtual Care Benefit

Get care in just a few minutes on the First Stop Health mobile app.

Virtual Care Engagement for Spanish Speakers

Effectively engage your Spanish-speaking team members in virtual care.

Tips for Talking About Virtual Care with Spanish-speaking Team Members

Do's and don'ts for discussing virtual care with your Spanish-speaking team members.

Maximizing Virtual Care Engagement

Discover effective ways to maximize engagement with First Stop Health.

Engaging Team Members in Virtual Care

Here are four actions you can take to encourage your team members to utilize First Stop Health virtual care.

5 Ways to Support Better Health & Wellbeing at Work

Check out these five tips for creating a positive and supportive environment for all.

Worksite Health Screening Poster

Hang this poster to remind team members about their upcoming health screening event.

Announcement Email Template

Share this email with your team to let them know about their First Stop Health benefit.

Announcement Video Script

Create a video message to let your team know about their new benefit from First Stop Health.

Leadership Guide

Discover how you can support First Stop Health engagement at your workplace.

Worksite Health Screening Email Template

It's time to get your team members excited about your upcoming worksite health screening! Use this template to announce the event. 

Worksite Health Screening Internal Chat Messaging

Let's get your team excited about your health screening event! Here are some ideas you can use on your internal messaging channels.

Worksite Health Screening Champion Guide

All Champions need to know about your upcoming event.

Internal Chat Messaging

Share these messages with your team to let them know about their First Stop Health benefit.

What to Know About Virtual Primary Care

What virtual primary care is and how to access care.

Medication Management For Mental Health: The Basics

Here, we explore why medication management is beneficial, how it works and what to expect.

How Virtual Urgent Care Works

Help your team members know what to expect during an urgent care visit.

How Short-Term Counseling Works

What short-term counseling is and how to access care.

What’s the Difference Between a Mental Health Coach and Therapist?

Share this blog post to explain the difference between mental health coaches and therapists.

What is Health Coaching?

Give your team members a better understanding of what health coaching is and how it can help them.

Myth Busting: Virtual Care Explained

Are your team members skeptical about virtual care? Share this!

Primary Care Overview (Spanish)

Learn more about virtual primary care, including how to request a visit.

Primary Care Overview

Learn more about virtual primary care, including how to request a visit.

Short-Term Counseling Overview

Learn more about short-term counseling, including how to request a visit.

Urgent Care Overview

Learn more about urgent care, including how to request a visit.

Mental Health Care Overview

Learn more about mental health care, including how to request a visit.

How to Add Family Members

If your organization allows you to add family members to your First Stop Health membership, here are the steps to follow.

Urgent Care Overview (Spanish)

Get a complete overview of your virtual urgent care benefit.

Urgent Care Overview (Spanish)

Learn more about urgent care, including how to request a visit.

Top 10 Reasons to Use Urgent Care

Share these top 10 reasons why team members should use First Stop Health.

Calling a First Stop Health Doctor

Make sure your team members know who to call and who'll be calling them back.

How to Add Family Members

If your organization allows you to add family members to your First Stop Health membership, here are the steps to follow.

How to Add Family Members

If your organization allows you to add family members to your First Stop Health membership, here are the steps to follow.

Accessing Your Virtual Care Benefit (Spanish)

Get care in just a few minutes on the First Stop Health mobile app.

Missing Our Calls? Here are Some Tips

Share these tips to make sure your team members never miss a call from our providers.

Healthy Ways to Manage Your Mental Health

Encourage better self-care and healthier habits with these 4 simple tips.

Ready for Pollen Season?

Share these 4 ways to reduce the effects of spring allergies.

Spring Allergy Symptoms You Shouldn't Ignore

Discover these common spring allergy symptoms.

Spring Allergy Internal Chat Messaging

Send messages to your team about how we can help them manage seasonal allergies.