Sherree Telford, RDN, LDN, CDCES, CHWC
Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator
Sherree is passionate about helping people improve their relationships with food and exploring the scientific research and behavioral strategies to shape nutrition choices. She focuses on preventing diabetes through lifestyle medicine or controlling diabetes through building strategies and skills for daily self-care.
When Sherree is not working, she enjoys hiking, yoga, riding a cruiser bicycle, the beach and the mountains. Sharing her life with her husband, her two adult children, their spouses and her three grandkids is a blessing. Her favorite places to visit are the national parks.

Sherree graduated from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. She is a registered dietitian, certified diabetes care and education specialist and certified health wellness coach.
About My Profession
First Stop Health certified diabetes educators can help you reduce your risk and manage everyday life with diabetes. They work with you to create achievable goals and help you identify lifestyle changes for long-lasting results. They can provide support for diabetes prevention and management, healthy pregnancy, wellbeing tips for eating habits, activity levels and much more.Experience
30 years
First Stop Health services are not intended to constitute a health plan.